Well, so many things have happened since my last post. It's been quite a life, but the Lord has continued to show me His grace and mercy through it all. I am so thankful for His goodness and His encouragement through times of trials and overwhelming circumstances. He never changes even when everything in our world seems to. He lifts up our heads when we feel like keeping them down. He places peace and gladness in our hearts when we feel like giving up and crying. He helps us to stand when we feel like falling. He is our strength when we feel so very weak. He fills each day with His wonderful blessings and I absolutely love being His child.
One of the greatest news in my life is: I'M ENGAGED! At the age of 34, God has blessed me with the most wonderful man. He has been a source of Godly strength, support, and love. Even with the news that I have a genetic blood disorder and may have to have a hysterectomy in the future, he has stood by me and has encouraged me to continue to put my faith and trust in the Lord. When we pray together over the phone, it touches my heart to hear his prayers of intercession to the Lord for me. It is such a wonderful experience to humbly go before the Lord knowing that it was His abounding grace that led us to each other.

I am now back home with my family and planning a wedding. Although I miss teaching at times, I'm really enjoying the break. I am currently looking for a job, but I know in God's timing, He'll bring me the job that's perfect for me. He has provided so much for me and has met my financial needs each month. God is so very good! At the same time, I definitely appreciate and would be extremely thankful for any and all prayers concerning my search for God's will.
I look forward to blogging about my wedding planning journey. We have a very limited budget. My colors are black, white, & purple. Hopefully I won't get too stressed since I tend to be a perfectionist at times. We'll see.
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