I am a new blogger and my purpose for blogging is that I might be a source of encouragement and help to anyone who happens upon my blog. I've read many blogs that have done the same for me. Maybe through my trials, mistakes, joys, and triumphs, someone may find God's answers to their own. Below are some of the notes I took on a message I heard two Wednesdays ago. It was a tremendous message!
Romans 7:15-23 "How to Overcome the Flesh"1. Through Christ- vs. 24- this is foundational for both the saved & lost John 15:5; Phil. 4:13
2. Through the Holy Spirit- Gal. 5:16-25- walking in the Spirit is a daily surrender to God's will Ask God to control your life!
3. Through the Word-
Ps. 119:9-11- How hard do we work to conquer the flesh?
4. Through Personal Discipline-
Col. 3:1-25a. Develop the right focus vs. 1
b. Mortify your members vs. 5- Stop feeding it & kill the desire
c. Put on the new man vs. 10- doctrine of replacement
d. Let the peace of God rule in your hearts vs. 15- Obedience=Peace
e. Let God's Word dwell in you richly- "The more of It in you, the less room there is for the
f. Do all in the name of the Lord vs. 17- Would He agree with what you are doing?
g. Have the right family relationships vs. 18-21- Wrong relationships are in rebellion to God's
h. Remember there is a day of
reckoning- We must give an account of ourselves to God. Our motivation should be to bring Him glory. We should have an upward focus not an outward one.