Tuesday, September 30, 2008


"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us," Ephesians 3:20

Last week, our church staff headed to the California mountains for our annual Staff Retreat. It was absolutely beautiful and the weather was wonderful. We are definitely spoiled! During the retreat we had various sessions with our Pastor. He shared with us his vision for our church for the coming year, and he also challenged us from God's Word. It was so uplifting and inspiring. It is so exciting to be a part of a church where the King James Bible is preached every week without compromise, where souls are being saved, and lives are being changed for His glory.

The Pond & Mini Waterfall

The Single Girl's Chalet

An Old Log Cabin

The Gazebo

The view was absolutely beautiful, especially the sky at night!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Friday's Blessings

“Ain’t God good to give us so many blessings,
Undeserving that’s what we are.
We are to thank Him, love and praise Him,
A little more today, a whole lot more tomorrow.”

It was a fabulous day at school on Friday! God is so good to me and filled my Friday with His wonderful blessings. First, during dismissal, one of my moms came to pick up her son and brought me lunch. I taught two of her other children and she has become a friend of mine through the years. She is such a sweet and giving person. God has truly used her family to be a blessing to me. They are not a wealthy family, but they sacrifice and give in order to show their appreciation to others. Second, not only did she bring me lunch, but she also handed me a thank you card. Inside the card was a $50 visa gift card! What a surprise! I had some needs that only God knew about, and He used this family to provide for them. It is so amazing how God goes beyond what you can even imagine.
And the blessings continue… When one of my roommates came home from helping with a teen activity, she asked me if I wanted to go with her and my other roommate on a hot air balloon ride on Saturday morning. She was given free tickets. Of course, I said yes! I have never been on a hot air balloon ride before, and for that, I was even willing to sacrifice my sleeping in time. When we got there, it was too windy for the balloons to go up and so it was kind of a disappointment, but God is still good. On the way out, we saw a funnel cake stand and we bought one to share. It was made fresh and we absolutely loved it. In the midst of disappointment, God always has a blessing waiting around the corner. And the stand was literally around the corner!

The Effects of Public School

Last Friday, we were given an article that was published by the American Association of Christian Schools to put in our student’s packets. I found it very interesting and decided to post the following quote from the article: “Is Christian education what God wants for your children? Or would God prefer them to be educated in public schools where the Bible, prayer, and Jesus Christ are either ignored or dishonored? Consider this: Does God want your child to attend a school where creation is thought of as a fairy tale, where the concept of sin is mocked, where salvation is considered a figment of the imagination, where secular textbooks are used, and where God and His Son are treated as though they are dead, or at best, irrelevant? The truth is clear-if Christ, Bible truths, Biblical righteousness, and prayer are unwelcomed in a school, why support it?”

Later on that evening, the article I had read earlier came to mind. I was shopping with some friends, when I ran into a former student who left our Christian school to go to a public school. She was a couple of years older and it was evident the effect the lack of church and choice of school had on her. She kept fondly recalling her days in Kindergarten, and told me that she had been thinking of me. She remembered the day she left my class for the last time and how I cried. She asked me if I missed her, and asked about the other students who were in her class. As a teacher, you pour your life into your students and love them as your own. This is the girl who sat in my class as I taught her the Word of God, about salvation, and the importance of loving and serving the Lord. As she followed me around, it truly broke my heart to see so much of the world in her and to hear some of the things she said, without even a second thought. I know that the Lord is faithful and He still has a plan for her life. My prayer is that He would get a hold of her heart before worldly influences drive her farther away from Him.

Monday, September 15, 2008


"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." I Cor. 15:58

I guess I never considered the position of a Kindergarten teacher as being in "the ministry". I felt the term should be reserved for the pastoral staff or special people like missionaries. BUT... since I usually spend more time at church than at home, I guess I'm in the ministry. I am so thankful that the Lord allows me to serve Him and that I get paid for doing what I absolutely love to do. I work for one of the best soulwinning, independent, Bible preaching, Baptist churches, and not to mention a top notch academy with a wonderful principal. I have learned so much from our pastor and my Sunday school teacher (his son), and I can't imagine serving anywhere else. Unless, the Lord moves me. Then, I would be willing to go anywhere and everywhere. Don't get me wrong, if I told you everything was picture perfect, I would be dishonest. There are times when I feel so exhausted and lack necessary sleep. There are other times when I just want to quit and give up. By the way, the devil is a great discourager and is usually the source of these thoughts. But, when I sit back and evaluate my life and ponder on what the Lord has saved me from and where He has brought me to, I realize that His blessings always outweigh the trials. There are so many blessings, I couldn't even begin to name them all.

One of the blessings happened this past week when I taught on the crucifixion & the resurrection of Christ during our Bible time at school. Because my students are so young, I usually don't give an invitation unless the Lord leads me to. The reason for this is that I don't want them to make a decision thinking they are pleasing me, but to make a decision because they are convicted of their sin and want to be saved. Therefore, at the end of our lesson, before we pray, I always remind them that if they want to be saved, they can come to me at any time, and I will show them from the Bible how to know for sure they are going to heaven. I give the Gospel daily and there is always an opportunity for salvation. Well after Kindergarten was over, one of my students asked his mom on the car ride home some questions about what I taught that day and asked if he could get saved. I didn't get to personally lead him to the Lord, but it was such a blessing to be a small part of his salvation. God is so amazing- to think that He would use us, who are so unworthy, to accomplish His plan of reaching the lost. He wants us to be a part of life's blessings if only we would surrender and yield our will to Him.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

God's Word


Though the cover is worn and pages are torn,

And though places bear traces of tears;

Yet more precious than gold is the Book worn and old,

That can shatter and scatter my fears.

When I prayerfully look in the precious old Book,

Many pleasures and treasures I see;

Many tokens of love from the Father above,

Who is nearest and dearest to me.

This book is my guide; It's a friend by my side;

It will lighten and brighten my way.

And each promise I find soothes and gladdens my mind,

As I read it and heed it each day.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

"How to Overcome the Flesh"

I am a new blogger and my purpose for blogging is that I might be a source of encouragement and help to anyone who happens upon my blog. I've read many blogs that have done the same for me. Maybe through my trials, mistakes, joys, and triumphs, someone may find God's answers to their own. Below are some of the notes I took on a message I heard two Wednesdays ago. It was a tremendous message!

Romans 7:15-23 "How to Overcome the Flesh"
1. Through Christ- vs. 24- this is foundational for both the saved & lost John 15:5; Phil. 4:13
2. Through the Holy Spirit- Gal. 5:16-25- walking in the Spirit is a daily surrender to God's will Ask God to control your life!
3. Through the Word- Ps. 119:9-11- How hard do we work to conquer the flesh?
4. Through Personal Discipline- Col. 3:1-25
a. Develop the right focus vs. 1
b. Mortify your members vs. 5- Stop feeding it & kill the desire
c. Put on the new man vs. 10- doctrine of replacement
d. Let the peace of God rule in your hearts vs. 15- Obedience=Peace
e. Let God's Word dwell in you richly- "The more of It in you, the less room there is for the
f. Do all in the name of the Lord vs. 17- Would He agree with what you are doing?
g. Have the right family relationships vs. 18-21- Wrong relationships are in rebellion to God's
h. Remember there is a day of reckoning- We must give an account of ourselves to God. Our motivation should be to bring Him glory. We should have an upward focus not an outward one.