Monday, September 15, 2008


"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." I Cor. 15:58

I guess I never considered the position of a Kindergarten teacher as being in "the ministry". I felt the term should be reserved for the pastoral staff or special people like missionaries. BUT... since I usually spend more time at church than at home, I guess I'm in the ministry. I am so thankful that the Lord allows me to serve Him and that I get paid for doing what I absolutely love to do. I work for one of the best soulwinning, independent, Bible preaching, Baptist churches, and not to mention a top notch academy with a wonderful principal. I have learned so much from our pastor and my Sunday school teacher (his son), and I can't imagine serving anywhere else. Unless, the Lord moves me. Then, I would be willing to go anywhere and everywhere. Don't get me wrong, if I told you everything was picture perfect, I would be dishonest. There are times when I feel so exhausted and lack necessary sleep. There are other times when I just want to quit and give up. By the way, the devil is a great discourager and is usually the source of these thoughts. But, when I sit back and evaluate my life and ponder on what the Lord has saved me from and where He has brought me to, I realize that His blessings always outweigh the trials. There are so many blessings, I couldn't even begin to name them all.

One of the blessings happened this past week when I taught on the crucifixion & the resurrection of Christ during our Bible time at school. Because my students are so young, I usually don't give an invitation unless the Lord leads me to. The reason for this is that I don't want them to make a decision thinking they are pleasing me, but to make a decision because they are convicted of their sin and want to be saved. Therefore, at the end of our lesson, before we pray, I always remind them that if they want to be saved, they can come to me at any time, and I will show them from the Bible how to know for sure they are going to heaven. I give the Gospel daily and there is always an opportunity for salvation. Well after Kindergarten was over, one of my students asked his mom on the car ride home some questions about what I taught that day and asked if he could get saved. I didn't get to personally lead him to the Lord, but it was such a blessing to be a small part of his salvation. God is so amazing- to think that He would use us, who are so unworthy, to accomplish His plan of reaching the lost. He wants us to be a part of life's blessings if only we would surrender and yield our will to Him.

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