Friday, November 14, 2008


Please pray for my mom. She got the results back from the tests she had done on her heart and they came back abnormal. This past week she had to have a CAT (Computed Axial Tomography) scan. She is 63, and is a little scared of what the final results of all her tests might be. She will be getting the results from the CAT scan on Tuesday, November 18. Because I live in another state, I'm not able to be with her during her doctor's visit. Please pray for God's comfort and that the results would come back negative. I truly appreciate your prayers of intercession!


Heather said...

I'm praying for your mom. I will remember the 18th as I was scheduled to have surgery that day, but it was postponed until Thursday, November 20th. I'm having orthopedic hardware removed.

Please keep us posted on the results of your mom's CAT scan!

PS: My aunt is Filipino. :)

Deborah said...

Sorry I missed your post! I'll pray for your mom just went into the hospital today for high blood pressure, and I'm waiting to hear how she is.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I was able to go with your mom today! She is sweet and she loves you so much. Praise God that she is well and the doctor says her heart is good. Love you.
~Rebecca of the desert