Saturday, December 13, 2008
Our Christmas Party

Saturday, November 22, 2008
And He Always Provides

On Thursday, during my lunch break, I ran home for a couple of minutes. It was a trying day at school and I just wanted to get away and relax. As I walked out the door and approached my car, I noticed something shiny by my tire. I must have ran over a bolt, because there it was glistening in the sun. After school, I go to Discount Tires, thinking this is an easy fix. So… the tire guy inspects my car and tells me some devastating news. All of my tires need to be replaced because they’re cracking, and it’s going to cost $305.00 to fix. So...how do I respond? Do I thank Mr. Tire Guy for his wonderful news? Do I thank the Lord for showing me that I needed new tires before I travelled home for Thanksgiving? NO…I get into my car and I start to cry like a big baby. What a pity party! I started thinking how in the world was I going to come up with the money to pay for new tires. I asked the Lord why this was happening. I call my mom and I start crying to her. I then call my stepdad to ask if there is anyway he can help me, and he says he’ll see. I do pray throughout my crying session, but I know it wasn’t a prayer of complete faith. I always have faith for others, but it seems that I have the most doubts when it comes to my own situations, even though God has proven His provision time and time again. I drive my car to the church where it can be towed easily, should the air leak out of the tire with the bolt, and my roommate drives me home.
I get home and I pray for God’s miraculous provision. I call my best friend, Rebecca, who is one of the best listeners I know, and she encourages me with God’s Word. What a day! My faith is renewed and I know God will work it out somehow. The next day gets better, as my mom calls me and tells me that my brother is going to help me and my stepdad will call me on Saturday morning. This morning comes, and he calls, my brother gave him $100 and together they are going to pay for my tires. What a blessing, huh? Well… I was beyond elated that they were going to buy my tires and I was thankful to the Lord that He provided through them, but…my stepdad is unsaved and with me working in ministry, I didn’t want him to have a bad perception of church and ministry. I’m sure he wasn’t thinking that, but I was. So my roommate follows me to Discount Tires where I drop my car off and my stepdad pays for my tires by phone. The tire place even gave me a discounted rate, now my tires were going to cost $279 and some change. Another blessing!!! My roommate and I then leave my car there and we run some errands. While in a store, my phone rings, it’s the church secretary. She tells me that someone donated $280 towards fixing my tires. I never told the church that I needed new tires. I kept saying, “Are you serious?” I felt like jumping up and down in the store because God knows my heart. Now, I can give my stepdad and my brother back their money, and it’s a testimony on how God provides for His children when they serve him. I called my unsaved stepdad and he said that someone must have heard his prayers. Well we all know who that Someone was. The Lord is so good…all the time, and He always provides even when our faith is weak.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Thank You For Your Prayers

Friday, November 14, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
My Fabulous Birthday
My beautiful butterfly cake!
Can you believe they got me a keyboard? What an answer to prayer!
My bear all dressed up.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The Note
Growing up in a public school, I never felt loved by my teachers. There were some who were nicer than others, but I don’t ever remember them telling us they loved us. How sad is that? So… I made it a goal in my classroom that my students will always know I love them and more importantly that God loves them. I get to tell them freely everyday that God loves them so much that He sent His Son to die for their sins so they can go to heaven.
As I think of the note I was given, I think of another note that God has given to the world. God’s Word, the Bible, is His personal love letter to us. In It, the pages are filled with His promises, His mercy, His compassion, His sacrifice, and His love is written all over it. Through It, we can find comfort, help in time of need, answers to life’s problems, and victory over temptations. When we read His Word…God speaks to us!!! He shows us His will, how to avoid wrong decisions, and the blessings that come from trusting Him and obeying what He says.
Precious Book of all the best
There is Comfort never failing
And a calm abiding rest.”
“Read with reverence, and commit it,
Verse by verse, and day by day
It’s the Word that God has spoken
And it shall not pass away.”
The Pumpkin Patch

The highlight of our trip for me was when it was my class’s turn to go on the hay ride. Because the Pumpkin Patch is located near a mini outdoor mall, our hay ride on concrete passed through little shops and restaurants with outdoor eating areas. Not the normal type of hay ride you’d imagine, but still lots of fun. My students were so excited and waved at everyone they saw. They even wanted to sing songs. So… we waved and sang Jesus loves me, the B-I-B-L-E, & more. What really blessed my heart was when they would wave and say “Jesus Loves You!” to those who were passing by. It was so adorable!!! They thought of this on their very own. I didn’t tell them to say a word. They have such a love for God that they weren’t even ashamed to proclaim it. It was also a testimony to the unsaved workers who were driving and riding with us. If only we as adults would be so bold.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Singing His Praises
The Lord is excellent, wonderful, my strength, and my song. He knows my deepest thoughts, my heart, and He loves me with a love that never fails even when I fail Him. He is so GOOD and He takes the time to think about me, one who is unworthy of anything good. Praise the Lord for His mercy and His compassion! As I reflect back on this week, here are some praises that I want to thank the Lord for:

2. My class gets out at noon, but I get to stay until the end of the school day, which I love because some of my former students come and visit me. So...I put a bowl of candy by my classroom door and at dismissal here they come. It can get crowded at times, and I know that it’s surprising, but sometimes they don’t even want the candy, they just come to say hi. Isn’t that just the sweetest? Well on Thursday, one of my girls from last year came and asked me if I could do her a favor and pray for her mom because she was out of town. At the time, I was talking to a parent from last year and told her of course I would, but instead of leaving the classroom to find her dad she just stayed there. So in the meanwhile, I continue talking to some kids and parents who have also come to visit. Her dad then comes in with her two other sisters, waits a little while, and then asks her, “Did you ask her?” and she says, “I’m waiting.” Then, she comes up to me with the sweetest voice and says, “Can you please pray for my mom with me.....right now?” It was so cute! I felt so bad because all that time she was waiting to ask me to pray with her right then. So in the midst of kids coming in and out of my classroom, all the noise and believe me it was NOISY, and kids playing, we bow down on our knees and I pray for her mom. It truly blessed my heart that she would ask me to pray with her. I just love working in a Christian school!
My old kitchen, which which was an answer to prayer.
My new kitchen, which is an special extra blessing.
Thank you for reading this blog and for all your encouraging comments. Have a great week serving the Lord!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Falling in Love with Fall
Well, here are my fall bulletin boards:
We love thanking God for His blessings!
which I got at Walmart a couple of years ago in the floral section.
My students are great blessings and love to be helpers.
Our back door- where we head out into the cool fall weather for recess.
Have a wonderful day!

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Something to Laugh About

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
My Classroom
An extra white board that I usually decorate. It is also magnetic, which is great. I can just put magnetic tape on the back of whatever I put on this board so that I can move things around easily.
Kids Say the Cutest Things

Sunglasses have become the big thing in my Kindergarten classroom. When we go to recess, a couple of my students have to put on their cool (Cars, Batman, Princess) sunglasses or they just won’t be able to play at recess. I asked one of my girls if she had any sunglasses, and she replied, “Before I became a Christian, I had Hannah Montana sunglasses, BUT… I threw them away.” This is coming from a 5 year old. It made me smile and it blessed my heart because she knows that when you get saved, no matter how old you are, there is a difference in your life.
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” II Corinthians 5:17
“And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” Ephesians 4:24
“Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.” I Peter 1:16
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Last week, our church staff headed to the California mountains for our annual Staff Retreat. It was absolutely beautiful and the weather was wonderful. We are definitely spoiled! During the retreat we had various sessions with our Pastor. He shared with us his vision for our church for the coming year, and he also challenged us from God's Word. It was so uplifting and inspiring. It is so exciting to be a part of a church where the King James Bible is preached every week without compromise, where souls are being saved, and lives are being changed for His glory.
The Single Girl's Chalet
The Gazebo
The view was absolutely beautiful, especially the sky at night!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Friday's Blessings
Undeserving that’s what we are.
We are to thank Him, love and praise Him,
A little more today, a whole lot more tomorrow.”
It was a fabulous day at school on Friday! God is so good to me and filled my Friday with His wonderful blessings. First, during dismissal, one of my moms came to pick up her son and brought me lunch. I taught two of her other children and she has become a friend of mine through the years. She is such a sweet and giving person. God has truly used her family to be a blessing to me. They are not a wealthy family, but they sacrifice and give in order to show their appreciation to others. Second, not only did she bring me lunch, but she also handed me a thank you card. Inside the card was a $50 visa gift card! What a surprise! I had some needs that only God knew about, and He used this family to provide for them. It is so amazing how God goes beyond what you can even imagine.
The Effects of Public School
Later on that evening, the article I had read earlier came to mind. I was shopping with some friends, when I ran into a former student who left our Christian school to go to a public school. She was a couple of years older and it was evident the effect the lack of church and choice of school had on her. She kept fondly recalling her days in Kindergarten, and told me that she had been thinking of me. She remembered the day she left my class for the last time and how I cried. She asked me if I missed her, and asked about the other students who were in her class. As a teacher, you pour your life into your students and love them as your own. This is the girl who sat in my class as I taught her the Word of God, about salvation, and the importance of loving and serving the Lord. As she followed me around, it truly broke my heart to see so much of the world in her and to hear some of the things she said, without even a second thought. I know that the Lord is faithful and He still has a plan for her life. My prayer is that He would get a hold of her heart before worldly influences drive her farther away from Him.
Monday, September 15, 2008
I guess I never considered the position of a Kindergarten teacher as being in "the ministry". I felt the term should be reserved for the pastoral staff or special people like missionaries. BUT... since I usually spend more time at church than at home, I guess I'm in the ministry. I am so thankful that the Lord allows me to serve Him and that I get paid for doing what I absolutely love to do. I work for one of the best soulwinning, independent, Bible preaching, Baptist churches, and not to mention a top notch academy with a wonderful principal. I have learned so much from our pastor and my Sunday school teacher (his son), and I can't imagine serving anywhere else. Unless, the Lord moves me. Then, I would be willing to go anywhere and everywhere. Don't get me wrong, if I told you everything was picture perfect, I would be dishonest. There are times when I feel so exhausted and lack necessary sleep. There are other times when I just want to quit and give up. By the way, the devil is a great discourager and is usually the source of these thoughts. But, when I sit back and evaluate my life and ponder on what the Lord has saved me from and where He has brought me to, I realize that His blessings always outweigh the trials. There are so many blessings, I couldn't even begin to name them all.
One of the blessings happened this past week when I taught on the crucifixion & the resurrection of Christ during our Bible time at school. Because my students are so young, I usually don't give an invitation unless the Lord leads me to. The reason for this is that I don't want them to make a decision thinking they are pleasing me, but to make a decision because they are convicted of their sin and want to be saved. Therefore, at the end of our lesson, before we pray, I always remind them that if they want to be saved, they can come to me at any time, and I will show them from the Bible how to know for sure they are going to heaven. I give the Gospel daily and there is always an opportunity for salvation. Well after Kindergarten was over, one of my students asked his mom on the car ride home some questions about what I taught that day and asked if he could get saved. I didn't get to personally lead him to the Lord, but it was such a blessing to be a small part of his salvation. God is so amazing- to think that He would use us, who are so unworthy, to accomplish His plan of reaching the lost. He wants us to be a part of life's blessings if only we would surrender and yield our will to Him.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
God's Word

Saturday, September 13, 2008
"How to Overcome the Flesh"
Romans 7:15-23 "How to Overcome the Flesh"
1. Through Christ- vs. 24- this is foundational for both the saved & lost John 15:5; Phil. 4:13
2. Through the Holy Spirit- Gal. 5:16-25- walking in the Spirit is a daily surrender to God's will Ask God to control your life!
3. Through the Word- Ps. 119:9-11- How hard do we work to conquer the flesh?
4. Through Personal Discipline- Col. 3:1-25
a. Develop the right focus vs. 1
b. Mortify your members vs. 5- Stop feeding it & kill the desire
c. Put on the new man vs. 10- doctrine of replacement
d. Let the peace of God rule in your hearts vs. 15- Obedience=Peace
e. Let God's Word dwell in you richly- "The more of It in you, the less room there is for the
f. Do all in the name of the Lord vs. 17- Would He agree with what you are doing?
g. Have the right family relationships vs. 18-21- Wrong relationships are in rebellion to God's
h. Remember there is a day of reckoning- We must give an account of ourselves to God. Our motivation should be to bring Him glory. We should have an upward focus not an outward one.